Tuesday, June 19, 2012

~How it all started

 ~About me. I am just a mom of two great kids with special needs. Through the years I have learned so much I have spent thousands of hours reading, researching, and just thinking. A couple years ago after helping so many friends and strangers that we met in various waiting rooms over the years that we (the kids and I ) needed a name. That is where 'Unlocking THEIR Future' came from. For me it was simple Autism is represented as a puzzle piece so I want to 'unlock' THEIR future. When you are given a special needs child you are not given any real direction. I was a single mom and had to learn so much so I wanted to help other's in their journey.
 Unlocking Their Future is a place you can turn to for questions, I can send you to every great link, book, program, therapy I have found. It is a place where if you have a great idea then hey let's get a group of people together and let's do it! Our kids deserve to be able to do everything that other children can do so together we can come up with a alternative to it.
If you need help with your school and IEP well hey I would love to help you there too. If more of us got together and shared what we have experienced then we could really make a difference in not just our children's lives but others as well.
I never have and never will consider opening a business to "charge" for these things. I do have dreams for a therapy center of sorts but it would be free and I guess that's why it would always be a dream. So that in a nut shell is what Unlocking Their Future is all about.

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