Saturday, June 30, 2012

Unlocking Their Future will get a visit from a Reality Star

Unlocking Their Future will get a visit from a Reality Star

Unlocking Their Future is so honored to have reality super star, Cindy "Rodeo" Steedle from such TV's smash hits like VH1's - Rock of Love & Charm School, just to name a few. Cindy has come a long way since her appearances on these reality shows. She continues her work on screen and behind the scenes, acting and producing. She has become a beacon for important causes. She has stepped up once again as she has done time and time again to inspire those in her path. I recently had the opportunity to speak with Cindy a couple of weeks ago regarding this important event to be held on August 18th here in Fredericksburg, Virginia. It's the Something Special Pageant & Talent Show.

Cindy was so gracious and didn’t miss a beat when I contacted her. She thought so highly of the event and what Unlocking Their Future was trying to accomplish that she was gracious enough to accept our invitation as one of our guest speakers and judge for the event. Cindy will also share the stage with Virginia Senator, Bryce Reeves who has been instrumental in special needs legislation. We are thrilled to have Cindy “Rodeo” Steedle on board for this historic event. I became acquainted with Cindy last year when we had the opportunity to interview her on RockRadio993 & we have become great friends. She is an awesome person who when asked to pitch in, did not even hesitate. She will be traveling from her home state of Georgia to lend her support here in Virginia.

This event will be one of many to be held in Virginia and we hope to assist Ms. Jaimie Petty the founder of Unlocking Their Future with her dream to expand this event nationwide. RockRadio993 is one of the media sponsors involved for this event, and we will be a support system for this event for years to come. We are proud of the work Ms. Petty and all that she has done, and continues to do with the special needs community. As Ms. Petty explained to RockRadio993 " This event is so important as it creates a parallel for those special needs kids who will enjoy what other boys and girls enjoy" - We have a great support system in place for this event with great volunteers and sponsors coming to answer the call. We hope everyone can come and support this event on August 18, 2012 which will take place from 10am - 5 pm at the Fredericksburg Field House who are the host sponsors for the event .

Robbie Rodriguez

Program Director / DJ

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

~How it all started

 ~About me. I am just a mom of two great kids with special needs. Through the years I have learned so much I have spent thousands of hours reading, researching, and just thinking. A couple years ago after helping so many friends and strangers that we met in various waiting rooms over the years that we (the kids and I ) needed a name. That is where 'Unlocking THEIR Future' came from. For me it was simple Autism is represented as a puzzle piece so I want to 'unlock' THEIR future. When you are given a special needs child you are not given any real direction. I was a single mom and had to learn so much so I wanted to help other's in their journey.
 Unlocking Their Future is a place you can turn to for questions, I can send you to every great link, book, program, therapy I have found. It is a place where if you have a great idea then hey let's get a group of people together and let's do it! Our kids deserve to be able to do everything that other children can do so together we can come up with a alternative to it.
If you need help with your school and IEP well hey I would love to help you there too. If more of us got together and shared what we have experienced then we could really make a difference in not just our children's lives but others as well.
I never have and never will consider opening a business to "charge" for these things. I do have dreams for a therapy center of sorts but it would be free and I guess that's why it would always be a dream. So that in a nut shell is what Unlocking Their Future is all about.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Sen. Bryce Reeves will be coming to the Something Special Talent Show

 We are so pleased and honored to inform the public that Sen. Bryce Reeves will be coming to speak at the "Something Special Talent Show" Sen. Reeves has been a great supporter of the special needs community he voted to support HB1106 that was passed this year on 1/31/12. 

 Thank you so much for you support Sen. Reeves!


President/ Founder
Unlocking Their Future

Unlocking Their Future Brings Smiles To Fredericksburg


            Do you have a Special needs child that would love to be in a pageant or that has a neat talent? Come one, come all!  Ages: 2 -18 years old; EVERYBODY is a winner. There will be live music, door prizes, light snacks and lots of fun! . If you would like to get involved please contact me at 540-287-3596

We are putting together a pageant/talent show for all special needs children in the state of Virginia open to ages 2-18. Our goal at Unlocking Their Future is to provide children and families a parallel to experiences that regular children get to experience.

            The 'Something Special Talent and Pageant Show' we hope to fill the dreams every parent has when they find out they are having a baby; dressing their daughter’s in a pretty dresses, their son’s on stage telling a jokes, dancing or whatever makes feel a stars in their parents eyes. This event is going to make every child a star for the day. Each child will get a trophy and/or gift bag. We are reaching out to you for your support in helping with this great and imperative event. If you'd like to get involved we have several sponsorship levels available.

            We are expecting to have 100 - 200 children on hand for this event and in addition VIPs, media and vendors and supporting community members. We've already gotten media sponsors in multiple formats that we can start immediately thanking present and future sponsor supporters. This event will take place on Aug 18th.

 Thank you so much for your time and support of this project.       



President/ Founder 
Unlocking Their Future